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How do i get my child eat healthy ?

How do i get my child eat healthy?

The best way to make your child eat healthy is to make healthy food taste good.. this can be done by adding different sauces ,different dressings etc ..teach them about vegetables and their nutrients like (veggies are your superpower and it will make you strong) Pov: never force feed kids its important to teach the difference between good and bad food teach them importance of eating healthy food at early age .

If you feel your child is not liking or willing to have any vegetable you can try these simple steps


Try to make food look more appealing to them you can either serve them in form of salad , sandwich , soups wraps nutri burgers or roti pizza , ..try and add all nutri veggies in kids plate as the way they like . Add some of their favorite sauces or dressings as dips or try making in form of gravy so that its easy for them to chew for younger ones .

If your kid loves pasta or noodles make veggie puree with carrot ,cauliflower ,potato or spinach and cook with pasta or noodles and top it with some cheese

'cheese makes everything so much better and yummy" ,this way they will eat veggies they don't like.


For the one who are really fussy eaters can try these fancy bowls and plates of their fav cartoon character or in any fancy shapes this way they might feel attracted and intend to eat .if they love certain food for eg.chicken or paneer or any protein rich food add them in their meal .


Try involving them while you cook for them . Let them help and make their own little meal this way they will enjoy the process and also happily eat what they are making and it can also make your bond stronger

Allow them in the kitchen ,use their favorite cookie cutter and allow them to make their cute little roti or veggies and fruits for younger kids will be surely messed up but let them have fun


Yes timings is also very important to set proper meal time for kid ,if they be very hungry they might end up eating junk . Try to make a routine for them serve them healthy mid snacks , you can offer a glass of milk ,idlis,wheat waffles ,fresh juice ,oatmeal nutri bites some fresh fruits and much more

This way they will stay full and set a proper meal time .


Allow them junk once in a while let them enjoy .Besides forbidding certain foods just make them look more attractive make pizza or burger at home with healthy ingredients . Don't try too hard allow them to eat as much they are willing to .

Have a dessert along with your meal so that kid enjoy the meal he don't like. Add healthy deserts like any fruit pudding or yogurt to make more appealing and you'll be surprised to see how kid enjoys the meal along ,give him/her bite of their favorite dessert in between the meal and see the magic

Prepare normal family meal as you always do and allow them to accept and eat don't upset your self or get annoyed if they turn their back towards food they will learn slowly on their terms and their way "kid swill eat healthy if you keep offering them and encouraging them " if they learn on their own way it will help them in long run.

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Pregnancy series - Trimester 2

-Complete guide

week 14-26

The second trimester is also known as ‘golden period’ of pregnancy . This is because , for many women, morning sickness subsides , and this period can be also enjoyed as ‘babymoon’.

Whatever you do be careful with everything ,take good care of yourself . If you’re planning to travel do consult your gynecologist beforehand.

Though its best period of pregnancy you might feel some constant physical changes in your body.

In this article,

  • Symptoms
  • Do’s
  • Don’ts
  • Baby’s development


  1. Braxton hicks contractions
  2. Skin changes
  3. Dizziness
  4. Leg and body cramps
  5. Vaginal discharge
  6. Dental issues
  7. Urinary track infection

All the above listed symptoms are normal , but do check with urinary track infection as it can result in a kidney infection , consult your gynec if you have strong urge to pee(urinate), or if urine is cloudy with smell, or sharp pain while urinating .


Eat a balanced meal , its really important to eat right quantity and quality . Eat frequently, don’t stay hungry , eat small meals often . Take pregnancy vitamins and prescribed folic , calcium, iron medicines on time .Stay active , ask your gynec about what exercise you should start , exercise, yoga, walking see what suits you best for healthy pregnancy. As your body changes , start renewing your wardrobe .Try to sleep well , take as much rest as you can , Drink plenty of water this is important through out pregnancy .

Two most important things during pregnancy is to keep a water bottle aside and some healthy food to snack on beside you always


Never take medications without consulting your healthcare provider, even if its little things like ‘headache’ , consult your doctor beforehand for all basic medication you need for things like headache, fever etc . avoid high heels , as your baby bump grows , balancing can be little difficult . Avoid sports with high risk that includes jumping etc , that can be dangerous for you and your baby. Don’t consume too much caffeine , don’t exceed more then 200mg per day , which is 1-2 cups , though this experts suggest , its better to avoid as caffeine in carbonated drinks are mostly sugar which can be harmful for baby. Do not smoke and avoid alcohol completely.

Other then this also avoid , Raw and undercooked meat , eggs , fish and unpasteurized dairy products , also avoid soft cheese , such as brie , blue cheese, and feta .Ready -to-eat meat , and any frozen food is unhealthy for you and baby , and also its unsafe to consume.

Baby development

Fourth month-14-17 weeks

  • Baby is the size of an avocado
  • Baby now has eyebrows, eyelashes , and working eyes and ears
  • At this month baby will be around 4 inches long , and weigh around 4 ounces
  • Baby is developing reflexes , such as swallowing , and sucking , and might soon began sucking thumb as well.
  • You may begin to feel the fetus moving around as the fetus is developing muscles and exercising them .
  • This baby movement is known as quickening and can feel like a flutter
  • Baby’s skin is translucent
  • Though movements start you won’t be able to feel any yet , as fetus is very little , you’d still have to wait some time to feel proper baby movements

Fifth month-18-22weeks

  • Baby is the size of a banana
  • By this month you might notice a change in your weight , as your uterus growing you might finally be able to feel baby bump a little
  • At this month , baby is almost 6 ¾ inches long (17 cm)
  • Baby’s height is approximately 9 ½ inches (24.3cm)
  • This week baby weighs 11 ½ ounces nearby (330 gms)
  • Baby’s reproductive system has developed significantly
  • The productive layer of vernix continues to build on the skin
  • Hair follicles are getting longer
  • Eccrine sweat glands begin to form
  • The gallbladder is producing bile, which helps to digest nutrients.

Sixth month-23-27weeks

  1. Baby is size of an ear of corn
  2. Baby’s facial features are formed by this month
  3. Your baby is growing and getting stronger
  4. At this point you may start feeling baby movements more then you did before
  5. Kicks and poking increases in frequency
  6. Keep a track on when your baby is moving ,
  7. Babies are mostly active whole time , you might feel kicks stronger during bedtime more as we are more free and relaxed that time.
  8. Consult your gynecologist if you’re unable to feel baby’s movements , or feels like baby’s moving less .

There’s nothing to worry just be active and healthy , eat healthy for you and your baby, keep your check up’s and ultrasounds routine up-to-date , or as your gynec suggests .

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How to treat cold/flu in kids

What causes cold?

Before treating cold , lets know the reason what causes cold ,Cold happens when virus inflames the lining of the nose and throat . cold can be caused by more then 200 different viruses . Most colds are caused by rhinovirus . Your child might catch cold if he comes in contact with someone infected with anyone of these viruses.

It usually takes 4 to 10 days for a common cold to go away .

In this article

  • How to prevent catching cold
  • Natural ways to treat cold
  • when to see a doctor?

How to prevent cold

As we all know that cold and cough is very contagious , here’s some ways in order to prevent cold in children ,

  1. Distance the infected- its very important to maintain distance to infected , it helps a lot and can prevent cold.
  2. Wash their hands often- This is very important practice that every kid should follow , even if they are completely well , washing hands may prevent many diseases and wash your hands especially after blowing their nose . Wash hands immediately after coming home from outside.
  3. Do not share your essentials- separate your daily essentials like towels, water glasses or eating utensils , do not share this anyone who’s infected with cold
  4. Use tissue or elbow while sneezing- Always use a tissue while sneezing and dispose them .

Natural ways to treat cold in kids

Give them plenty of fluids

Giving them fluids is the best way to treat cold , encourage them to drink more water in order to stay hydrated, check the urine colour of your baby , if u see its dark it meansyour kids need to drink more water, do not give them any juices or sodas , as they are loaded with sugar . Give them fresh homemade orange or apple juice, this way it thins the mucus and helps them sleep well

Use aspirator or suction bulb

Aspirators works best for babies , I personally use for both my kids , it helps them to breathe and sleep well , just put some saline drops in each nostril and use aspirator or suction bulb to remove the mucus you can, Try this aspirator-

Serve hot soups

Serving hot soups can help relieve sore throat and thin mucus , hot chicken or veggies soups work wonders , it can help in congestion and stuffed nose as well . The nutrients content can also help with inflammation, if you have just started solids you can just boil everything and strain veggies and chicken and only give as a form of broth.

Saline drops

Use saline drops often to keep baby’s stuffy nose clean and dry . It can easily thin mucus and give instant relief for your little one’s. You can either use saline drops , saline sprays or for little older kids 3+ can try saline water (salt+water) in syringe to flush out mucus , insert in one nostril and push syringe to flush out mucus from other nostril.

Turmeric milk

  1. Turmeric milk is known to be the best significant remedy for cold since ages
  2. It is also known as ‘golden milk’ as it has tons of health benefits , especially if you start noticing any cold symptoms in baby you can start giving this turmeric milk


Run a humidifier , moisture in the air can help in cough , cold and stuffy nose , use cool-mist-humidifier as it is safe for baby .


  1. Give steam to 3+ older kids with safety precautions or use this compact steamer as it be safer option- .
  2. For smaller kids you can either place a bowl of warm water near them(with little distance for safety).
  3. Otherwise, create a steam room , on the hot shower and let your little one sit In there for few mins , this will not only help them relieve from stuffy nose but also help them fall asleep quick

Betel leaf / garlic ajwain potli

  1. Betel leaf works great for chest and lung congestion
  2. Apply overnight for relief in cold and cough
  3. It helps kid to breathe and have a peaceful sleep
  4. Warm betel leaf apply vicks balm or baby vicks (for infants) and apply on baby’s chest and back (before applying do check , it shouldn’t be too hot
  5. Ajwain potli is made with ajwain and few garlic pods heating on pan and make potli , this can be used to relieve blocked nose and help kids breathe

Ginger honey/kawa

  1. For older kids you can give ginger juice with honey for instant relief, give this mixture 2 to 3 times in a day for faster relief
  2. Kawa can be made with ginger, ajwain ,turmeric pinch)neem leaf ,honey . Boil these ingredients in water and serve warm for instant and quick relief

When to see a doctor?

Cold symptoms includes

  1. Runny nose
  2. Congestion
  3. Sneezing
  4. Reduced sense of smell and taste
  5. Cough
  6. Scratchy throat
  7. Fever

These symptoms might show up in the start and gradually increase , try home remedies , most cases it works and heals with time .

When to worry?

  1. Child develops a fever 102 degrees F or more
  2. Fever with ear pain
  3. Breathing difficulties
  4. Few wet diapers ( this means baby is not well hydrated )
  5. Even if lower fever that lasts for 72 hours .
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Some ways of introducing Solids to baby

Solids can be started to baby between 4-6 months of age. It mostly depends on baby readiness and on how much nutrition baby needs , However it is recommended to start solids after 6 months of age , monitor your baby and how much nutrition value your baby needs . Consult doctor before starting, and start in small quantity and gradually increase , check for allergy if any.

Infant feeding guideline.

  1. Signs your baby is ready for solid
  2. First baby food
  3. How to serve them and prevent choking
  4. Feeding schedule

Signs your baby is ready for solids

Before getting started with solids check these key points with your baby if you are planning to start at 4 - 6 months.

  • Double the birth weight- This usually happens at 4th month which is ideal to get started after.
  • Acceptance of food - See to it when you are serving food to your baby , whether they are opening their mouth or reaching to food if yes then that's ideal time to start
  • Are they able to swallow- Remember one thing before this they've never had anything thicker then breast milk/ formula , give them time to get used to it , food may dribble onto their chin but its normal and will learn with time .
  • Hold up their head- they should be able to hold up their head well .

First Baby Food

If you are starting at 4 month , yo should puree everything very fine dilute it with water would be ideal at this point , you can also try diluting with breast milk/ formula but water be good and easy for digestion. Take baby steps if you starting at early as 4 months , start with easy digestible foods that includes .

  • Apples( steam and puree)
  • Rice (prepare powder and cook or cook and puree)
  • Banana (plantain also known as kerela banana in yellowish color (fine pureed without seeds)
  • Carrot (steam and pureed )

Gradually add food to their diet , start with 1 tb spoon then gradually increase .check with allergies to any food if they have any .

How to serve them and prevent choking

  1. Introduce feeding chair at the age of 6 months
  2. A high chair makes it easier for parents and safe for babies
  3. Use convenient , large attachable tray that is included easily and transforms chair to a high chair for feeding easy and convenient (use this method if you don't have feeding chairs)
  4. Starting solids bit early also helps them learn swallowing food quite easily y 6 months , which way there will be less chances of choking
  5. If you feel your kid isn't swallowing well , try giving them in pureed form until 7 months

Feeding schedule

How much do baby need to eat?

starting at 4 months they need to be fed solid in form or fine puree at least 2 to 3 times along with breast milk/formula . after 6 months babies need to be fed 3 times as ,Breakfast , lunch , dinner, along with healthy snack (quantity depends on baby to baby start with half bowl 6-8 months or depends on how much nutrition they need ).

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Mom's corner

How to sooth your teething baby ?

When your baby is teething, they may experience pain and discomfort. There are a few things you can do to help soothe your teething baby:

-Give them something to chew on or wet washcloth
-Give them ice cubes
-Pacifer, sippycup, or fruit nibblers

Give them something to chew on or wet washcloth

When your baby is teething, they will often put their hands in their mouth to try to soothe the pain. This can often lead to them drooling all over themselves, which can be a wet and uncomfortable experience for them. A wet washcloth can help to keep your baby's face clean and dry and pressing it on their gums can also help them sooth their sore gums. Giving them something to chew on might do great help , use teethers, or you can freeze them before letting them chew. You can also allow them to chew on your finger (wash and clean before putting in your baby mouth), this way by biting on your finger they might feel little relief.

Give them ice cubes

To use ice cubes for teething, do not give them ice cube directly to suck on as it can be choking hazard , ice cubes are slippery and can stuck in your baby throat. Wrap the ice cubes in soft mesh washed cloth and tie it , so you can get a grip to hold on , this be the ideal way and more safer way to help your baby.

Pacifier , sippy cup , fruit nibblers

  • Pacifiers can be helpful in calming the baby, but they can also lead to dental problems. Some parents opt for fruit nibblers as an alternative to a pacifier because it is more natural and may not cause cavities.
  • However, some children don't like the taste of these items. They may prefer to suck on a sippy cup or bottle because they are more familiar with them.
  • So what should you do? It is important that you understand that every child has different needs and preferences when it comes to soothing their gums during teething time. You need to find what works best for your child .
  • Offer what ever your baby is comfortable with. fill these things with water or fruit juice(like popsicles) and freeze them before giving it to your baby.

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pregnancy series - Trimester-1

Trimester-1 complete guide

Pregnancy is a beautiful phase in every women’s life , lets discuss about every up’s and down’s it brings along. Pregnancy is about 40 weeks , which is calculated from 1st day of last menstrual cycle .

Will discuss everything about pregnancy 1st three months (trimester-1) 0-13 weeks

In this article,

  • Symptoms
  • Things to do
  • Things to avoid
  • Baby development


Always keep a track on your early pregnancy signs . visit your gynecologist regularly .

Here are some basis symptoms that you may experience , note every women is different , some might experience these symptoms and some might not , for some it might be extreme and for some mild.

  1. Nausea or vomiting
  2. Morning sickness
  3. Breast tenderness
  4. Extreme mood swings, due to hormonal levels increase
  5. Weight gain
  6. Frequent urination
  7. Heartburn
  8. Headache
  9. Leg and back cramps
  10. Pelvic pain
  11. Cravings for certain foods
  12. Constipation
  13. Dislike for certain foods

These are common pregnancy symptoms most women experience ,

Things to do

Self care is most important during pregnancy , specially for first time mothers , it can be really confusing about everything you feeling at this point of time . These symptoms can be uncomfortable a bit , but talk with your health care provider about your symptoms if they’re severe . Keep your prenatal checkups up-to-date , do not skip any visits throughout . First 3 months are bit extra crucial , take goo care of your self and eat good and healthy home-cooked food.

Things you can try for relief at home.

  1. Heartburn - have milk with honey , yogurt , ask doctor for medication if heartburn is severe or unbearable ,Almonds ,figs – almonds can come to rescue , try soaking few almonds peeled , nuts are anyway best snack during pregnancy , and it can also relieve heart burn , soak few almonds or figs overnight and consume in morning empty stomach
  2. Nausea - For nausea try having ginger tea , ginger can be very effective for nausea , you can also take supplements from doctor , but if not you can try ginger, it will surely ease with nausea , along with ginger tea you can also include ginger in your meals ,
  3. Vomiting- Mostly for vomiting nothing helps, but yes you can try eating several meals a day , and if you have vomiting , for you its more important to eat , and to stay hydrated . Drink plenty of water , fresh juices , this way body will retain energy that you loose during vomiting .Avoid greasy, oily and fried foods .

Self care

  1. Eat several times a day , at least every 1-2 hours to stay full and energetic
  2. Choose foods with high carbohydrates ,like – banana , green leafy vegetables etc..
  3. Stay hydrated , have enough of fluids , drink plenty of water , fresh juices , keep a water bottle near you to always remember to drink water.
  4. Keep snacking on healthy foods like- nuts, fruits etc.. keep any jar filled with nuts or energy bars near you to munch on regularly.
  5. Try acupressure for pain relief
  6. Try yoga or mild exercises (consult your doctor before starting any)
  7. Rest as much as possible

Things to avoid

There are several things you need to take care about ,

  1. Food- Eating healthy is very important during pregnancy , there are many foods you should avoid eat healthy food during this time , avoid uncooked , frozen meals , cook eggs until white and yolk is firm . Avoid fish and certain nuts as walnuts during initial months of pregnancy .
  2. Consult your gynec before adding anything new in your diet
  3. Avoid travelling
  4. Avoid lifting weights
  5. Don’t put too much pressure on your abdomen
  6. Consult doctor before intimacy
  7. Avoid unpasteurized dairy
  8. Limit intake of sugar, coffee
  9. Avoid caffeine
  10. Avoid alcohol
  11. Stick to flat chappals like- crocs, flip flop , a good and comfy foot wear, avoid high heels
  12. Skip hot bath tubs as elevated body temperature can lead to birth defects.
  13. Stay indoors during initial days to be safe , to avoid coming in contact with smokes , smog , or coming in contact with any germs , bacteria or any infected person in crowd etc..

The best you can do is rest , remember you are not going to be pregnant forever so hang on , rest and do what’s best and safe for you and your baby .

Baby development

First month

  1. As the fertilized ovum grows, amniotic sac forms
  2. The amniotic sac is filled with water , tightly packed that is formed around the fertilized egg . which will help support growing embryo throughout pregnancy
  3. A primitive face will form with large dark circles for eyes
  4. The mouth , lower jaw and throat are developing, blood cells are taking shape ,circulation is about to begin
  5. By the end of this month the baby will be around 6-7mm (1/4th inch) little longer than grain of rice.

Second month

  1. The second moth beings with formation of baby’s facial features , ears begins to develop. Tiny buds are eventually growing into arms and legs .
  2. Little fingers , toes and eyes also continue forming this month
  3. Neural tube of brain , spinal cord and other neural tissue of the central nervous system is well formed now
  4. Digestive track and sensory organs begins to develop
  5. Bones replaces cartilage
  6. Embryo begins to move , though mother can’t feel yet as its too tiny
  7. By the end of this month , your baby is now a fetus which is about 2.54cm nearly 1 inch long, weighs about 9.45g

Third month

  1. By the end of this month , your baby is fully formed
  2. Your baby has arms , legs, hands, feet, toes , fingers, and can open and close , its fists and mouth
  3. Fingers and toes nails are beginning to develop and external ears are formed
  4. Teeth are beginning to form
  5. Baby’s reproductive organs are developing
  6. The circulatory and urinary systems are working and the liver produces bile
  7. By end of this month , your baby will be 7.6-10cm long which is 3-4 inches long and weighs about 28g

Since your baby’s most critical development has taken place , your chances of miscarriage drops considerably after three months of pregnancy , though the chances of miscarriage drops but still its very important to be careful throughout pregnancy .

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